Unique Affidavit Of Support For Bona Fide Marriage Sample

Bonafide Certificate Sample Doc Copy Affidavit Bona Fide Marriage Letter For Immigration Sample. Bonafide Certificate Sample Doc Copy Affidavit Bona Fide Marriage Letter For Immigration Sample . Bonafide Certificate Sample Doc Copy Affidavit Bona Fide Marriage Letter For Immigration Sample .
Affidavit of support for bona fide marriage sample. Bona Fide Marriage Documentation for US Immigration Purposes You must prove that your marriage is bona fide and not a sham for the sole intent of getting a green card. Collect and photocopy as many of the following items below as possible. The writer must be an individual that has known the couple for a couple of years. A family member, a spiritual authority such as a pastor, an employer can write the letter to support the marriage. In the letter of support for immigration, the writer must include important details that indicate the marriage is not bogus. It took me a long time to search for a sample affidavit letter in support of a bonafide marriage. I had seen a couple of posts that provided the basics for this letter and saved it. Those documents somehow disappeared though. Couldnt locate the info again. Can someone please provide a sample of w...
I have a lot of clients that come to me with the same concern: they don’t have bona fides or “proof” that they are a married couple. USCIS requires that when you file an I-130 based on your marriage to a U.S. Citizen or green card holder that you must provide evidence that you are a married couple. The best use of the I-751 affidavit is when the marriage took place within a short period, and evidence of a bona fide marriage is insufficient. In such cases, judges will weigh the value of this written support. Overall, most newly married couples have a hard time providing items (1) – (4) on the additional list of documents to prove bona fide marriage. Therefore, many couples provide Item (5), third-party affidavit affirming bona fide marriage and Item (6), Any other relevant documentation to establish that there is an ongoing marital union.
In that Affidavit of Support, typically Form I-864, the petitioner accepts financial responsibility for the person immigrating. In contrast, an affidavit or letter in support of a bona fide marriage as part of the immigration process is different and separate from the affidavit of financial support. Downloadable PDF i-30 Affidavit sample: Affidavit of Bona Fide Marriage Sample PDF. Other Relevant Documentation. This one took a while and ideally needs to be started as early as possible in the relationship. I created a timeline that pretty much documented our relationship from day one. Below are 2 sample pages of what our timeline looks like. A bona fide marriage is a real marriage, in the eye of law. It indicates that the spouses are genuinely in love and both want to stay with each other forever. It is really essential to show this document in front of USCIS to prove that your marriage is real deal. Affidavit of Bona Fide Marriage Example
Related Post: How To Prove A Bona Fide Marriage To USCIS. Related Podcast: Top 10 Evidence Of Bona Fide Marriage. How Many Affidavit Letters Should You Use? The number of affidavit letters you use isn’t as important as the quality of them. What I mean by quality is based on the following: Who is writing the letter? How close are they to you? Using Third Party Affidavit Affirming Bona Fide Marriage Spouse Visa I-130 Documents to Prove Family Relationship. A third party affidavit affirming bona fide marriage is one of the additional listed documents for the USCIS I-130, Petition for Alien Spouse to specifically prove that you have a bona fide marriage.. Required Documents. The instructions for the I-130 state, 13 Affidavit of Marriage free download. Download free printable Affidavit of Marriage samples in PDF, Word and Excel formats
AFFIDAVIT OF BONA FIDE MARRIAGE Name: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Citizenship: To whom it may concern, I, {NAME}, residing at {ADDRESS} solemnly state and affirm as hereunder: I - That I am a citizen of the {COUNTRY}, and hold a current {COUNTRY} passport. II - That I was born on {BIRTH DATE} in {PLACE OF BIRTH} for the bona fide marriage exemption from section 204(g) of the Act under the heightened standard of proof required by section 245(e)(3) of the Act. Counsel asserts that an erroneous assessment was made in weighing the evidence provided. Do letters from friends and family about our relationship need to be handwritten and notarized? In the spousal visa process, the USCIS is trying to determine that you have a bona fide marriage. And, if you have just recently married most people understandably don’t have many of the typical bona fides, such as a joint checking account, a joint lease or mortgage, joint health insurance, etc.
sample affidavit in support of your marriage Immigration Service requests that you submit evidence that you and your spouse are in a “bona fide” or true marriage. One way of showing this is to present Affidavits from neighbors, co-workers, friends and family members. Affidavits for a bona fide marriage are letters from third parties—such as family members, friends, neighbors, and religious leaders—attesting to the authenticity of your marriage. In the affidavits, each of the writers will need to affirm that they have personal knowledge of your marriage. Remember, the I-130 affidavit is supporting evidence to prove that the couple has a bona fide marriage. So the affiant should ideally provide a short account of why he or she believes this is true. The affiant can use a story that demonstrates the couple’s mutual commitment, the hard work that the couple have put into the immigration process.