Out Of This World Flexible Working Request Response Letter Template

On receiving a flexible working request you should follow the . Manager’s check list. and arrange to meet with the member of staff to discuss it as soon as possible.. Invite Letter template. Please make note of the meeting date as you need to consider the request and make a decision within . three months of receiving the application (this.
Flexible working request response letter template. There are two ways in which you can make a flexible working request. One is to make a formal, statutory request, that is, a request under the rules set out in law. The other is to make a non-statutory request. This page tells you the advantages and disadvantages of each and how to make both a. Responding to a request for flexible working arrangements template. You can use this template to either agree to or refuse an employee’s request for flexible working arrangements. The template has been colour coded to assist you to complete it accurately. You need to replace the . red < > writing with what applies to your business and situation. Requesting flexible working, how to make an application, what business reasons an employer can give to reject an application and how to appeal
/ Letter template for employer to respond to a flexible working request Letter template for employer to respond to a flexible working request 18/10/2015 by Sarah King Making a flexible working request. The term ‘flexible working’ can cover a range of different working patterns, or location. For example it could be part time hours, but it could also be flexi-time, compressed working hours (ie fitting full time hours into less days), job sharing, working from home or even annualised hours where you might work more hours in the Summer than Winter, for. Flexible working rejection letter. If you wish to reject an employee’s flexible working request, you must provide a business ground for the refusal and should set out the reasons why the ground applies in the particular circumstances. You should also allow your employee to appeal the decision.Be particularly careful with flexible working applications made by women returning from maternity leave.
Letter Accepting Flexible Working Request [DATE] [EMPLOYEE’S NAME] [Employee’s address] Dear [name] Following receipt of your request and our meeting on [DATE], EITHER. I am pleased to confirm that we are able to accommodate your requested working pattern . OR. If the flexible working arrangements require a change to the staff member’s employment contract and are subject to the completion of a trial period, this condition will be included within the staff member’s contract amendment letter, sent by Human Resources. Employer's/manager's response form to short-term flexible work request from employees affected by domestic violence [DOCX 24KB] Benefits, rights and responsibilities Flexible working arrangements can benefit everyone — employers, employees, their families and communities.
RE: Flexible Working Request. This letter is a flexible working request. It is sent, in exercise of my statutory rights, as an application under section 80F of the Employment Rights Act 1996 for a change of my terms and conditions of employment. I have been continuously employed by _____ since _____ in the following role: _____ This is a letter that can be used to notify an employer of an employee's statutory request for flexible working. It can be used to request any change to working arrangements including: a change in hours a change in days worked a change in shifts a change in location of work a move to work at home for all or part of the week If a person has worked for their employer for at least 26 weeks, is. Employees have the right to make a flexible working request if: you’ve employed them for at least 26 weeks; they’re legally classed as an employee; they’ve not made another flexible working request in the last 12 months; If the request is from a parent or carer. The right to request flexible working applies to all employees, including.
This letter template informs an employee that the employer has been unable to conclude the decision-making process in response to their flexible working request within the three-month statutory time limit and confirms the reasons for this. The letter also confirms how long the extended timescale for considering the request will be and outlines. This is a Precedent “Statutory Flexible Working Request” Letter for you to personalise.All the words highlighted in BOLD are legal requirements for the request to be valid.You must include these. The remainder of the letter is optional however our view is that including this information, where relevant, will help strengthen your argument and hopefully result in the request being granted. Flexible working policy template. What to include in a flexible working policy, including how to handle flexible working requests.. Find out more about responding to flexible working requests. If you need the letter in a different format, or you cannot download it,. How to make a flexible working request;
Employees can apply for flexible working if they’ve worked continuously for the same employer for the last 26 weeks. It’s known as ‘making a statutory application.’ The basic steps are. Responding to a request for flexible working arrangements template . You can use this template to either agree to or refuse an employee’s request for flexible working arrangements. The template has been colour. coded to assist you to complete it accurately. You need to replace the . red < > writing with what applies to your business and. This Flexible Working Rejection Letter is for use by employers to follow on from a meeting with an employee regarding their change to a flexible working pattern. This letter should only be used if the employer is rejecting the employee’s request and any alternatives that were raised at the meeting with the employee.